GIO is a current project undertaken by the Greek Epigraphic Society and the Hellenic Education & Research Center (HERC), in collaboration with Attic Inscriptions Online (AIO).
The mission of GIO is to make the texts of Ancient Greek inscriptions accessible to speakers of the Modern Greek language, especially to Greek university level students and faculty, as well as high school teachers and pupils. GIO aspires to become a valuable resource to scholars of Greek and Roman Antiquity who are not specialists in Greek epigraphy, such as philologists, art historians, philosophers etc. Moreover it is anticipated that GIO will appeal to scholars and professionals of other disciplines, such as medical doctors, political philosophers, experts in law etc. as it will provide ready access to texts of Ancient Greek inscriptions.
GIO also seeks to promote the study of Ancient Greek language and History by emphasizing the importance of translation of ancient epigraphic documents into modern languages. It stresses the value of translating as a scholarly exercise and the importance of translation for the dissemination of the knowledge and understanding of Greek Antiquity.
Greek Epigraphic Society
The Greek Epigraphic Society was founded in 1985 in Athens. Its mission is the pursuit and worldwide promotion of the study of Ancient Greek inscriptions. It collaborates with several research institutions, foundations, and museums such as the Archaeological Society at Athens, the National Research Foundation, the Epigraphical Museum at Athens, the Greek Archaeological Service, foreign archaeological schools in Greece, the Inscriptiones Graecae of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy and other academic and research institutions abroad. The goals of the Greek Epigraphic Society are pursued by means of offering courses on Greek Epigraphy, the creation of an epigraphic and classical library, monographs on topics related to Epigraphy, Topography and Ancient History, the publication of the epigraphic journal ΗΟΡΟΣ and the electronic journal ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΙΟΝ, and the organization of conferences and symposia.
Hellenic Education & Research Center (HERC)
The Hellenic Education & Research Center (HERC) was established in 2006 and is dedicated to the promotion of Hellenic Studies with an emphasis on the Classics. Its mission is to foster academic study in Greece. HERC encourages undergraduate and graduate university students to benefit academically and personally from a study abroad experience in the birthplace of Classical Civilization. HERC has worked so far with over 60 colleges and universities and organizes and facilitates faculty led study abroad programs in Greece for specific universities. It also encourages advanced independent academic study. HERC has developed programs focusing on the interdisciplinary approach of History, Archaeology and Theater, concluding with student performances in established Greek festivals and venues. HERC is a collaborator of the Greek Epigraphic Society organizing courses on Greek History, Epigraphy and Topography as well as scholarly publications.
Collaboration with ΑΙΟ
GIO collaborates with Attic Inscriptions Online (AIO) a project created by Stephen Lambert founded in 2012 that publishes online translations of Attic inscriptions into English with a wealth of epigraphic, historic and bibliographic information and scholarly research. AIO has made available its unique design and infrastructure to GIO, and the two sites work closely together, sharing epigraphic texts in Ancient Greek, as well as images and other data. In March 2017 the number of translations on AIO exceeded 1.000. The aim of AIO is eventually to include all the inscriptions of Athens and Attica, over 20.000 in total, but giving priority to new IG volumes, major texts, and inscriptions or groups of inscriptions which are particularly useful for research and teaching.
GIO is delighted to acknowledge financial and technical support from Institute Dramaticus. Donate to GIO or contact us to find out how you can support GIO in making Ancient Greek inscriptions accessible to Modern Greek speakers.